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Company Details

Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Assumed Name
Status: Inactive
Date formed: 03 Aug 2000 (24 years ago)
Company Number: e77bd4f9-98d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 240494
Principal Place of Business Address: 7671 Central Ave #104, Fridley, MN 55432, USA
ZIP code: 55432
County: Anoka County
Place of Formation: Minnesota


Name Role Address
Angie Burkhalter Aplicant 5261 239th Ave NE, Stacy, MN 55079
Darrel Burkhalter Aplicant 6861 137th Ln NW, Ramsey, MN 55303
Lynette Scott Aplicant 1424 138th Ave NW, Andover, MN 55304
Domnic Burkhalter Aplicant 5261 239th Ave NE, Stacy, MN 55079


Filing Name Filing date
Cancellation - Assumed Name 2009-09-10
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: BEACON REALTY) 2002-08-27
Assumed Name Nameholder 2002-08-27
Original Filing - Assumed Name 2000-08-03
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: ANL LIGHTHOUSE REALTY) 2000-08-03

Date of last update: 24 Sep 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website