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Holcomb, Knudson & Co.

Company Details

Name: Holcomb, Knudson & Co.
Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Assumed Name
Status: Inactive
Date formed: 05 Dec 1979 (45 years ago)
Company Number: d5fc2465-a6d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 9051
Principal Place of Business Address: 116 W 3rd Str PO Box 637, Thief River Falls, MN 56701, USA
ZIP code: 56701
County: Pennington County
Place of Formation: Minnesota


Name Role Address
James L Bowen Aplicant 856 W 12th Str, Grafton, ND 58237
Richard W Anderson Aplicant 116 W 3rd Str RR 5 PO Box 238, Thief River Falls, MN 56701
John Vallager Aplicant 520 5th Ave NE, Crookston, MN 56716
Thomas Culmer Aplicant 1211 6th Str, Devils Lake, ND 58301
Henry S Krigbaum Aplicant 530 S Movil Lake Rd NW, Bemidji, MN 56601
Robert T Poissant Aplicant RR 3 Box 86 F Union Lake, Erskine, MN 56535
Robert J Maas Aplicant 4275 Connelly Cr NE, Bemidji, MN 56601
Stephen A Wright Aplicant 309 Main Str, Zumbrota, MN 55992
Conrad M Dahl Aplicant 217 S Birch PO Box 533, Hallock, MN 56728
Terrance J McKenna Aplicant 2604 Belmont Rd, Grand Forks, ND 58201


Filing Name Filing date
Assumed Name Nameholder 1989-10-03
Assumed Name Principal Place of Business 1989-10-03
Assumed Name Renewal 1989-10-03
Original Filing - Assumed Name 1979-12-05
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: Holcomb, Knudson & Co.) 1979-12-05

Date of last update: 25 Sep 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website