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Company Details

Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Assumed Name
Status: Inactive
Date formed: 02 Jul 1979 (45 years ago)
Company Number: d3234794-9cd4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 5656
Principal Place of Business Address: 800 Opus Center 9900 Bren Rd E, Mtka, MN 55343, USA
ZIP code: 55343
County: Hennepin County
Place of Formation: Minnesota


Name Role Address
Mark Tritschler Aplicant 7 Cambridge Ct, Cary, IL 60013
Robert C Perkins Aplicant 6909 Dakota Trl, Edina, MN 55435
Leslie Blum Aplicant 1102 Sunset Ct, Grafton, WI 53024
Gene Haugland Aplicant 5229 W Highwood Drv, Edina, MN 55436
Ronald Rochon Aplicant 18308 Woolman Drv, Mtka, MN 55345
Charles Doell Aplicant 5932 E Beryl Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Nicholas Simons Aplicant 5508 Hillside Ct, Edina, MN 55435
Robert Dahlin Aplicant 7389 Lilac Way, Excelsior, MN 55331
Robert Worthington Aplicant 10326 Colorado Rd, Blmgtn, MN 55438
George X Connor Aplicant 3748 Shady Oak Rd, Mtka, MN 55343


Filing Name Filing date
Assumed Name Nameholder 1989-06-30
Assumed Name Renewal 1989-06-30
Amendment - Assumed Name 1982-08-19
Original Filing - Assumed Name 1979-07-02
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: DEMAK INVESTMENT CO) 1979-07-02

Date of last update: 26 Sep 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website