Name: | Lakeshirts Screen Printing & Embroidery Partnership |
Jurisdiction: | Minnesota |
Legal type: | Assumed Name |
Status: | Inactive |
Date formed: | 28 Oct 2011 (13 years ago) |
Company Number: | a86b1c81-7901-e111-8d33-001ec94ffe7f |
File Number: | 449309900022 |
Principal Place of Business Address: | 750 Randolph Rd, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502, USA |
Place of Formation: | Minnesota |
Name | Role | Address |
Michael Hutchinson | Aplicant | 750 Randolph Rd, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 |
Mark Fritz | Aplicant | 750 Randolph Rd, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 |
Filing Name | Filing date |
Cancellation - Assumed Name | 2019-05-22 |
Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name | 2016-01-19 |
Administrative Expiration - Assumed Name | 2015-06-03 |
Original Filing - Assumed Name (Business Name: Lakeshirts Screen Printing & Embroidery Partnership) | 2011-10-28 |
Date of last update: 16 Dec 2024
Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website