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Company Details

Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Assumed Name
Status: Inactive
Date formed: 04 Jan 1979 (46 years ago)
Company Number: a1a38064-98d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 2157
Principal Place of Business Address: 5881 Cedar Lk Rd, Mpls, MN 55416, USA
ZIP code: 55416
County: Hennepin County
Place of Formation: Minnesota


Name Role Address
Steven A Anderson Aplicant Rt 5 Bx 413, Princeton, MN 55371
David B Arnold Aplicant 15001 Wychewood Rd, Mtka, MN 55345
Charles R Carmichael Aplicant 950 Scenic Drv, Shoreview, MN 55126
David A Brueggemann Aplicant 1405 Jessamine #109, St Paul, MN 55108
Steven S Hoge Aplicant 4901 Dawnview Terr, Golden Valley, MN 55427
Gary D McDowell Aplicant 9200 Yukon Ave S, Blmgtn, MN 55438
Laura K Fretland Aplicant 14703 Richards Drv, Mtka, MN 55345
G Barry Anderson Aplicant 1105 Jorgenson, Hutchinson, MN 55350


Filing Name Filing date
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: Arnold & McDowell) 1989-04-26
Assumed Name Nameholder 1988-10-04
Assumed Name Principal Place of Business 1988-10-04
Assumed Name Renewal 1988-10-04
Original Filing - Assumed Name 1979-01-04
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: ARNOLD & McDOWELL) 1979-01-04

Date of last update: 03 Oct 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website