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Landmark One Partnership

Company Details

Name: Landmark One Partnership
Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Assumed Name
Status: Inactive
Date formed: 21 May 1985 (40 years ago)
Company Number: 3a59db14-a0d4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 44166
Principal Place of Business Address: 594 Fahlstrom Pl, Afton, MN 55001, USA
ZIP code: 55001
County: Washington County
Place of Formation: Minnesota


Name Role Address
William F Strub, III Aplicant 594 Fahlstrom Pl, Afton, MN 55001
Strub Family LLP Aplicant 594 Fahlstrom Pl, Afton, MN 55001
Strub Holdings LLC Aplicant 594 Fahlstrom Pl, Afton, MN 55001


Filing Name Filing date
Administrative Expiration - Assumed Name 2024-02-23
Amendment - Assumed Name 2022-08-04
Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name 2022-08-03
Assumed Name Renewal 1994-11-01
Original Filing - Assumed Name 1985-05-21
Assumed Name Business Name (Business Name: Landmark One Partnership) 1985-05-21

Date of last update: 24 Sep 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website