Name: | J-dew Inc. |
Jurisdiction: | Minnesota |
Legal type: | Business Corporation (Domestic) |
Status: | Active / In Good Standing |
Date formed: | 20 Apr 2006 (19 years ago) |
Company Number: | 34bd9d79-8dd4-e011-a886-001ec94ffe7f |
File Number: | 1807814-2 |
Registered Office Address: | 3300 Westview rd nw, Willmar, MN 56201, USA |
Principal Executive Office Address: | 3300 westview rd nw, willmar, MN 56201, kandiyohi |
ZIP code: | 56201 |
County: | Kandiyohi County |
Place of Formation: | Minnesota |
Name | Role | Address |
Jeffrey k Johnson | Chief Executive Officer | 3300 Westview rd nw, willmar, MN 56201, kandiyohi |
Name | Role |
Jeffrey K Johnson | Agent |
Filing Name | Filing date |
Registered Office and/or Agent - Business Corporation (Domestic) | 2016-10-03 |
Original Filing - Business Corporation (Domestic) (Business Name: J-dew Inc.) | 2006-04-20 |
Date of last update: 26 Sep 2024
Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website